The assignment
With the Noordbrabants Museum as our client we were to follow their directions. They tasked us with making an at home/in class experience of their museum with specific focus on one out of three artists shown in their halls.

These were some of my ideas during week 2.

A color assessment of Jan Sluijters paintings.

Week 0 & 1
During the week before our first meeting we decided that we had to do some research on the upcoming project. We each made our own debriefing and researched the three artists.
As the experience had to be designed around the exhibited work of the artist, we quickly came to the decision to focus on Jan Sluijters. (As Cuyp only had one and van Gogh had no more than seven paintings gracing the museum halls)
Week 2 & 3
It'd become time to start our first concept trials. During the second week we all came up with different kinds of ideas.
Then, during the third week, we each tested one of our own ideas and one of someone else.
This is the first time you can catch a glimpse of the concept we ended up with. The idea was to pick a painting made by Jan Sluijters and make a soundscape of the feeling you got from it.
I chose his painting Bal Tabarin and found all sounds on .

Week 4 & 5
During these weeks we visited the museum to get a closer look at Jan Sluijters paintings, whilst also continuing concept trials.
In the meantime the concept had changed. Instead of it being a solo assignment, we made it into one that could be done by a group. Each participant would get to see a different piece of the painting. When they were done with recording their associated sounds the painting would become whole again, along with the sounds.
Week 6 & 7
The concept was complete. But now there still had to be an app that could actually work.
So we began making an app. As coding wasn't my area of expertise I tasked myself with creating the style and SVG images that would appear in the app.
Week 8: the end
During this week we made sure everything was done, allowing us to make the required presentation video and hand it in without any trouble.
As I wanted to make up for not having been able to help with the coding I told the group that I'd compile the video. The others filmed their parts and recorded their voice-overs, so I could easily combine them. The video showcases the idea behind the concept and the useage of it.
Unfortunately I no longer have the link to the coded material, but you can just as easily experience Kijken Doe Je Met Je Oren through this video.